White Porcelain



What colour is White Porcelain?

White Porcelain is a very traditional finish also referred to as China. Being made from porcelain is a very delicate finish with a glossy finish.


Are there any other colours similar to White Porcelain?

Yes, you can sometimes get differnt shades of Porcelain as they can turn to a more creme colour overtime. You can also get a "crackle" effect with some products. 



                      White Porcelain                                         Crackle Effect Porcelain

As you can see from the above images, White Porcelain has a glossy white finish and the Crackle Effect has a grey shattered look.


What are White Porcelain products made from?

Most of the White Porcelain items we sell are made from Clay and heated in a Kiln to achieve this ceramic finish.


Are all White Porcelain items the same colour?

No, White Porcelain will not stay the same colour forever. As they age they will turn a slight creme colour. But this shouldn't happen quickly as it only happens with age.


Are White Porcelain products suitable for outside use?

Yes, the finish is hard wearing however Procelain (China) is quite delicate and is not intended for heavy use. 


How to clean and maintain White Porcelain products?

White Porcelain products should be cleaned regularly with a soft cloth and wiped over with a wax based furniture polish ideally beeswax, but products like “Pledge” and “Mr Sheen” work well too. For stubborn stains warm soapy water can also be used.

For items fitted outside if you start to see pitting marks in the nickel a metal polish such as “Brasso” or “Peek” can be used to polish the layer of nickel.

Regular cleaning to remove dirt, finger prints and water marks will ensure your White Porcelain products will last for a very long time.